white beautiful smile

8 Foods That Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

We’ve all been told to avoid red wine, dark berries, and black coffee in the name of pearly whites — so what can you eat to brighten your smile?


Don’t let the red color fool you. Malic acid, a chief component of strawberries, acts as a natural astringent to remove surface tooth discoloration, says Dr. Irwin Smigel, president of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics. No matter how you eat ’em — in salads, desserts, cereal — you’ll be whitening your smile in the process. You can even mash one up and put it on your toothbrush.


The abrasive texture of sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, and cashews works to remove surface stains — kind of like an exfoliator for your teeth.


The same high water content that makes these veggies great for your waistline and your health also whitens your teeth by washing away food debris and strengthening gums.


High-fiber, coarse foods act as scrubbing agents for teeth. Toss them on your salad for a quick, natural mid-day brush.


Hard cheese, like the little blocks you get on those delicious appetizer trays, is full of calcium, which strengthens teeth and gums. Casein, a milk protein found in cheese, has been shown to reduce the loss of minerals from tooth enamel.


The flesh of this sweet, delicious fruit helps neutralize the acid in your mouth that causes decay.


The flesh of this sweet, delicious fruit helps neutralize the acid in your mouth that causes decay.


Dairy products like yogurt and milk contain lactic acid and the enamel-fortifying mineral calcium, which not only whiten teeth, but strengthen them, too.